Local: 701-444-2211 Toll Free: 888-783-8447
Providing quality legal expertise with common sense and small-town service.

Oil and Gas

Oil and gas production are a major driving forces in our state’s economy. Mineral owners own the right to explore and produce the oil and gas found below the surface of a tract of land. As a mineral owner, it is important to understand the potential benefits and ramifications when dealing with those interests. Mineral interests, depending on their location, can be quite valuable. As with any valuable asset, protecting that asset and developing it efficiently are important. An attorney with experience in oil and gas matters can help negotiate favorable agreements, increasing the return from your minerals and decreasing the risk of problems that we have helped clients resolve in our decades of experience in this area.

In addition to mineral owners, landowners also stand to benefit from reasonable oil and gas production through surface use agreements, pipeline easements, saltwater disposal wells, and other related development. It is important to understand the agreements because they can impact your land for decades. An attorney can help ensure your lands are protected, limit the disruption, and maximize your financial return.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in assisting mineral owners and landowners. Our oil and gas experience includes representing clients in regard to:

  • Oil and gas litigation
  • Oil and gas leases
  • Right of way agreements and easements for pipelines
  • Surface use agreements for oil and gas wells
  • Surface use agreements for saltwater disposal wells
  • Surface use agreements for compressor stations and other above ground facilities
  • Surface use agreements for water reservoirs
  • Transferring mineral and royalty interests
  • Curing title issues, allowing companies to release suspended revenue.
  • Setting up trusts and other business entities to own property and distribute production revenue
  • Handling estate matters for landowners and mineral owners
  • And much more

We are here to help you from your first contact with the oil and gas company through planning for your and your family’s future.

To schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys, please call Johnson & Sundeen, LTD, in Watford City, North Dakota today at 701-444-2211 or email us at JSLO@dakotalawdogs.com.

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Partner: Ross Sundeen

In addition to practicing law with Johnson & Sundeen, Ross is the Assistant Dunn County States Attorney.

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Partner: Ariston Johnson

Ariston joined JSLO in 2011 and has an excellent track record arguing appellate cases before the North Dakota Supreme Court.

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Partner: Aaron Weber

Aaron also worked as a wildland firefighter for four summers while in college. He received various certifications and was on one of the largest fires in New Mexico state history, the Las Conchas Fire.

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